Devleoper Q & A

What is the user agent of Puffin Cloud Browser?

Here is an example of the user agent of Puffin Cloud Browser 6.1.4:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G925T Build/NRD90M; en-us) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Mobile Safari/537.36 Puffin/

"Puffin/6.1.4IT" is appended at the end of the user agent for Puffin Cloud Browser. "Puffin" is the keyword. If Puffin is found in the user agent, it is from the Puffin Cloud Browser.

"Mobile" is the hint showing Puffin is in mobile mode. With or without the hint, as long as the keyword "Puffin" exists, it's from the Puffin Cloud Browser.

"" is the version number, where 6 is the major version and .1.4.16005 is the minor version.

The last two letters with 5 possible combinations represent the OS and the device type:

IP: iOS-Phone

IT: iOS-Tablet

AP: Android-Phone

AT: Android-Tablet

WD: Windows-Desktop

LD: Linux-Desktop

MD: Mac-Desktop

How can I block Puffin Cloud Browser?

You can simply block these IP addresses (CIDR) used by Puffin Cloud Browser: